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“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it,
to suggest the real thing.
If that is so, I must take care, on the one hand, never to despise,
or be unthankful for, these earthly blessings,
and on the other, never to mistake them for the something else
of which they are only a kind of copy, or echo, or mirage.
I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country,
which I shall not find till after death;
I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside;
I must make it the main object of life
to press on to that other country and help others do the same.”

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Born and raised in small town Wisconsin, I became a Colorado transplant when I started college at CU-Boulder. I graduated and started my life as a real person in May of 2011.

Some of my favorite ways to spend my life are distance running, skiing, attempting to climb, attempting to be artsy, soccer (technically I don’t play anymore but this will probably always be a part of my identity because it was pretty much my life in high school), writing, singing in a Latin schola choir, attempting to cook, being outside, doing nerdy things like math and reading about science, and drinking coffee with friends (or by myself, with a good book).  I’ve recently disposed of my drip coffee maker for a french press.. I tell myself it was to simplify my life and channel my inner hipster, but it’s probably just because I’m a coffee snob.

I am and will always be loyal to Wisconsin sports.

I am a Catholic, and love my faith. A lot. It will undoubtedly come up often in my blog.

I am blessed with some wonderful friends, a boyfriend/best friend I have no idea what I would do without, and the most loving family a girl could ask for.

The blog is mostly to keep the people I love updated on my life, as many of them live far away from me. Internet wanderers are welcome as well.

That’s me hiking Mount Evans and trying to look adventurous!

One Comment leave one →
  1. November 8, 2013 11:15 am

    Hi, Chelsea, I’m glad to see some other folks from college blogging with WordPress. I didn’t know you played soccer! It’s still my favorite sport–I started soccer when I was four and played competitively up until I took a soccer ball to the eye and got internal bleeding in high school. Looking forward to reading your posts!

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